Friday, 2 April 2010

Venus Bride Tiara Range

This is a superb tiara - an original design. It is made up of a hand-made, silver plated copper band that is fully bound with silver-plated copper wire - all tarnish resistant. On the band sits a beautiful Calla lilly. The lilly has been created by hand crocheting very fine silver plated wire with over a hundred little glass pearls in a very light cream colour. On the tip of the lilly there are heaps of tiny AB finish seed beads - this makes it look like the edges are frosted. Unusually, this lilly has three stamens, each bearing an assortment of AB finish Swarovski crystals and more of the tiny seed beads. The stamens have some flexibility and can be arranged either standing high or lying fairly flat against the flower - they are a stunning addition. The base of the lily is bound with silver plated wire, and lots of small, AB finish Swarovski crystals. Overall, the softness of the lilly and the sparkle of the crystals make this tiara an outstanding headpiece for any bride, and one that you will not find anywhere else.
The headband on this tiara is very comfortable with loops at the ends for attaching an elastic or ribbons if desired. A comb can also be added if it is felt extra security is needed, but this has not been done until the wearer decides which side the tiara will be worn on as the design allows for either right or left hand side.

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